Esther Gottschalk

Esther Gottschalk is the Director of the Dutch Composers Association Nieuw Geneco, representing more than 350 composers of art music in the Netherlands. 

She is a strong defender and promotor of the artistic, economic and sociocultural interests of composers and raises awareness for Fair Practice in art music. Esther Gottschalk is encouraging wider support and additional financial flows and contribute to a greater visibility of composers working in the Netherlands. 

She is founding Director of New Music NOW, the independent foundation that promotes art music via the Dutch Composers Day (Dag van de Componist), platform New Music NOW and Media collaborations. She is an active member, and former Board member of the European Composers and Songwriters Alliance (ECSA), Vice Chair of ECSA’s ECF Committee, Co-founder and interim Chair of the Dutch Creative Coalition and founder of the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Awards.